Self Care – Sleep, Rest & Recovery…

A big one! Sleep is when our bodies rest, rejuvenate and repair so getting good quality sleep is a vital element of self-care.

Why do we need to sleep?

Sleep is amazing in ways that science has only recently begun to discover. We spend a lot of our lives doing it, which highlights the biological importance of sleep. Here at My Holistic Bliss we believe sleep is the key to supporting your physical & emotional health and wellbeing.

Here’s some things that quality sleep helps with

· Regulating mood

· Detoxification throughout our bodies

· Processing memory & learning

· Decreasing the strain on our heart & blood pressure

· Regulating hormones

· Immunity – producing cells to fight infections & viruses

· Production of Growth hormones to repair & strengthen the bones & muscles

· Production of antioxidants to repair & reduce inflammation in skin cells

How much we need can be individual and you will know better than me how much sleep you need to feel well and what’s realistic for your lifestyle. Whether you sleep 4, 6, 8 or more hours the focus is on the quality of that sleep.

Are you creating the best possible routine to support a restful and quality night’s sleep? Could you adjust anything even if it’s small adjustments?

Our parents or as parents ourselves we go to great lengths to create daily routines based around creating the best possible conditions for children to sleep well, but as adults this seems to often go out of the window.

Addressing our sleep hyenine can make a huge difference to the quality of your sleep.

Here are some the things that might help…

· Avoiding screen time just before you sleep

· Not having your phone in your bedroom, get an alarm clock instead. This is something personally that helped me a lot with regards to sleep and easing anxiety.

· Having a warm shower or bath before bed

· Trying some relaxing yoga or meditation to help you wind down and some yoga techniques can really help support your ability to fall and have a restful night’s sleep

· Avoiding caffeinated drinks or eating too close to your sleep time

· Creating an inviting bedroom with as little clutter as possible, relaxing smells (Could try a pillow spray or essential oil diffuser)

When we get a better night’s sleep so many other aspects of our life become easier to manage. We are more productive, make better food choices, feel less anxious and our bodies can carry out the essential functions to repair, recover and support you throughout the day.

If there is one aspect of self-care I would recommend prioritising, sleep and our habits around creating a more restful night’s sleep is definitely the one to address first.

How is your sleep hygiene and what changes could you make to get a better night’s sleep?

If you are struggling with getting and staying asleep I have some pre recorded Meditations and Yoga Nidra practices that could help with this, which can be found here -

I would also highly recommend practicing this posture before sleep or when struggling to stay asleep.

There is also my next Friday Chill workshop which will be focusing on postures that support rest, recovery, and sleep. This workshop is available to attend in person or live on zoom.

When: 12th August 7.00-8.30pm at Newton on Ouse Parish Hall, Newton on Ouse near York or Live on Zoom.

£20.00 In person or £10.00 Online use the link below to book

Other events in August..

Soulful Sunday Day Retreat at Deighton Lodge, York

7th August 10.00-3.00pm

A whole day of soulful Yoga and Relaxation themed around Self-care. The opportunity to immerse yourself in uninterrupted Yin & Yang Yoga practices, Lunch, refreshments, and relaxation in a beautifully peaceful location.

Investment for the Day: £65.00 Plus online options

Booking available through the link below or why not get in touch with my by email

Much love Debbie xx


Moving your body and mind with love


Physical Self Care – Nourishing your Body from the Inside Out