Recipe Ideas, Health, Wellbeing & Self Care Tips to inspire you bring more balance & bliss into your everyday life.
Self Care
Listening to what your Body, Mind and Soul needs to maintain optimum Health
Summer Recipes
Recipe Ideas
Try some of our favourite vegetarian & vegan retreat recipes. Includes snacks, breakfast, main meals and desserts
Five Element Theory
What is the five element theory and how does this related to Yin Yoga?
Letting Go with Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga practice themed around letting go of physical and emotional tension held around the upper torso, particularly
neck, shoulders, chest and spine.
Five Element Theory Questionnaire
How your Physically and emotionally respond to stress can indicate your more dominant element types. Once you know your more dominant elements you can start to manage your response to these reaction s to stress. Helping you stress less, stay well and live more…
Health & Lifestyle Questionnaire
Complete this questionnaire and email to debbie@myholisticbliss.com along with your Five Element Theory Questionnaire to receive a personalised guide to Pranayama, Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness to support your physical and emotional Health and Wellbeing.